To respond to national large-scale higher education reform, capacity development and internationalisation objectives in May 2019 we in partnership with the Ministry of higher and secondary specialised education of the Republic of Uzbekistan launched our new long-term Higher Education for Employability programme to share UK experience in quality assurance in education. One of the key strands of the programme is English as a medium of instruction (EMI).
To respond to Concept of the development of Higher Education until 2030, the EMI strand of the Higher Education for Employability ( HEfE) programme aims to develop an EMI strategy and national plan to mainstream EMI in HE offer in Uzbekistan and develop much needed capacity through Uzbekistan HEIs and the network of 25 English Reform hubs operating in all regional of Uzbekistan.
The project’s long term aims in Uzbekistan are:
- to shape a clear national and institutional strategies for EMI
- to facilitate the development and delivery of a national EMI capacity-building programme for Uzbekistan’s higher education sector, specifically sharing UK institutional and wider international experience in the field
- to develop a team of confident professionals who can develop and deliver programmes in their higher education institutions in English and 25 British Council hubs in higher education institutions all over Uzbekistan offering training and support to all EMI teachers in Uzbekistan.
We cooperate with Norwich Institute for Language Education, UK and EMI teams from 16 national higher education institutions. The programme builds on national English reform programmes and encourages collaboration between English and content teachers. That is why in each team there is one-two ESP teachers, a number of content teachers and a senior staff representative.
Based on solid research and needs analyses the project develops a new national professional development blended learning programme that will equip the participants with the skills, experience and give them the confidence to develop and pilot new programmes or modules in English.
There are two strands in the project
- The programme will develop explicit methodology training, the pedagogical tools and training materials focusing on interactive and task-based approaches for participants to find their own solutions to the challenges they face in their particular EMI contexts. As part of the programme all project participants will benefit from a new online EMI training course developed by NILE for international trainers and students to support ongoing professional development of project participants, and their engagement with the project activities.
From March to May 2020 55 EMI teachers from 16 HEIs participated in this course which was aimed to enable participants to:
- Consolidate their understanding of key issues in EMI
- Apply a variety of teaching strategies for working with texts in English
- Use a variety of techniques that help students follow English-medium classes
- Plan interactive lectures and use support strategies to guide students’ understanding
- Use a variety of teaching strategies for encouraging students’ spoken and written output
2. At a policy level, the project will facilitate the development of framework of EMI teaching standards.