As part of our #AtHome with the British Council programme, we are organising a series of Creative Spark podcasts which will help you learn the tools and processes to become a more successful creative entrepreneur and find out how to manage the finances of a creative enterprise. You will also be able to hone your business English language skills. 


This podcast series forms one of the educational outputs from the partnerships formed by the University of Leicester with institutions in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan during the Creative Spark Programme. Creative Spark is a British Council initiative aimed at partnering UK Universities with Higher Education Institutions in Central Asia, the South Caucasus and Ukraine, to develop enterprise and entrepreneurship skills in the Creative Economy. Craft and the creative economy are amongst the largest sources of employment in the Central Asian region as well as being integral to intangible cultural heritage and enacting a sense of culture, identity, home, and community (UNESCO).


The podcast series is aimed primarily at participants in the Creative Spark programme but may also be of benefit to anyone interested in the creative industries, or those wishing to develop their business English (each podcast will be released in both Russian and English, as we also look to develop your language skills). In this podcast series, we explore what it means to be a creative entrepreneur and the tools that are required to manage the creative enterprise. We discuss the business tools that are needed for developing a successful creative enterprise, such as marketing, innovation, social media marketing, accounting and finance, the pitching for funds, relationships with suppliers and customers and hot topics such as sustainability and slow design. The podcasts will also have guest speakers from the UK creative enterprises, and successful creative entrepreneurs from Central Asia.  

Project Partners

The podcast series will be produced by a team from the University of Leicester and Kamola Ikramova agency. 

Dr Marta Gasparin is Associate Professor in Innovation and Design Management at the University of Leicester School of Business. Her research explores how design and innovation emerge, how value is created, and the role of the actors (objects, managers, designers) in the various innovation processes, drawing on ideas from science and technology studies. She leads a number of research projects in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Vietnam.

Kamola Ikramova is the Founding Executive Director of the KI Agency, a PR and Media company in Uzbekistan. She is as creative producer with expertise in corporate and internal communication, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and a podcaster. 

Dr Steve Conway is Associate Professor in Innovation at the University of Leicester School of Business. He is interested in the nature and role of social and organisational networks in innovation, entrepreneurship, and knowledge creation and sharing. He has worked extensively in Uzbekistan as part of the Creative Spark programme.

Dr Tony Daniels is Head of International Professional Development at the English Language Teaching Unit at the University of Leicester. He leads on the development of partnerships with international Higher Education Institutions and Agencies as well as with Government Ministries.

Dr Geoff Lightfoot is  Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Accounting at the University of Leicester School of Business. His current research is wide-ranging but may perhaps be broadly grouped around the exploration of aspects of representation and markets.

Dr Martin Quinn is Associate Professor in Regional Development and Public Policy at the University of Leicester School of Business. His research examines engagement with local and regional economic development, the leadership of place and the use of policy to stimulate innovation in the economy. He has worked on a number of projects in Central Asia. 


Name Channel
  • Introduction
  • Who is a creative entrepreneur?
  • Finding your market opportunities
  • Managing a creative organisation
  • Innovate your products
  • Ctreate your value proposition
  • Managing your customers
  • Social media marketing
  • Developing your relationship with your suppliers
  • Risk management
  • Accounting for entrepreneurs
  • Finance your enterprise
  • Pitching for funds
  • Slow design
  • Creative class


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