Uzbekistan’s system of higher education continues development aimed at further modernisation and improvement through comprehensive development of the quality of personnel training. Some important tasks are being undertaken in the field of the reform of postgraduate education, university research and continuing professional development of academic staff.

The partnerships established through the projects of the British Council and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education (MHSSE), have contributed to the capacity development in a number of higher education institutions both in the UK and Uzbekistan through the development of teaching staff, their professional and research skills at the international level.

One of these partnership projects is the Erasmus+ IMEP project: Internationalisation and Modernisation of Education and Processes in the field of higher education in Uzbekistan, aimed at:

- the development of new approaches in continuing professional development of teachers and academic leaders in higher education: conducting pilot courses in partner universities and new programmes submitted to the MHSSE;

- ensuring consistency and improvement of the teaching and learning standards in various subject areas: economics, business, education management, tourism, medicine, teaching and learning of languages, and many others; providing analysis of standards and recommendations for process improvements to MHSSE;

- involvement of students in teaching and learning process;

- involvement of employers in improving the standards of teaching and learning.

The participants of this project supported by the MHSSE, are the British Council, three European universities and eight higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan:

- Higher School of Rezekne (Latvia)

- London Metropolitan University (UK)

- University of Peloponnese (Greece)

- Tashkent State Pedagogical University

- University of World Economy and Diplomacy

- The Uzbek State University of World Languages

- Tashkent Medical Academy

- Bukhara State University

- Namangan State University

- Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

- The head of scientific-methodical center under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan