First ever Shakespeare Festival in Uzbekistan

As part of our arts programme we support systemic change in professional education in theatre to enable the sector to innovate, develop audiences and increase Uzbekistan’s international visibility.

This started with the Globe tour in Central Asia, UK-Uzbekistan Theatre Forum and led to excellent partnership with Rose Bruford around theatre development. Partnership began with master classes around Shakespeare’s sonnets and monologues for teachers and students of the Institute of Art and Culture and young actors from the National Youth theatre leading to national Shakespeare Festival engaging with most IHEs in Uzbekistan ( combined with our English programme).

The next steps in partnership included voice coaching module development ( including teacher training and material development) to benefit both the Institute and theatres in Uzbekistan. This was followed by a joint movement and voice module development in November 2017.

In addition, in November 2017 the consultants from Rose Bruford college and the team from the Institute of Art and Culture were exploring development of modern art management module.